
Friday 31 May 2019

Term Two Drama Log

02/05/2019 Log

We’ve discussed which musical scene we would like to do, but haven’t decided yet. However, we spent most of the period discussing roles on and off stage, such as stage manager, props manager, wardrobe manager, so on and so forth, we even have some badges getting made for us. I took the role of media manager, meaning I record the progress and do things such as vlogging the practices, writing about the progression and advancement of the piece etc.

Job Done

Discussion of jobs and musical scenes.

Next Steps

Further discussion.

03/05/2019 Log

We believe we are going to do the ‘School Song’ piece from Matilda the Musical. We haven’t discussed it with Mrs Clark yet. However, Chloe and I believe it would tie in nicely with other pieces and go with the flow as it is planned this time. All the pieces from the several other classes are going to be tied together to flow into one larger piece instead of the announcer having to come onto stage in between each singular scene to explain the storyline and characters.

Job Done

Discussion of the chosen musical scene between some students.

Next Steps

Choose musical scene wanted.

09/05/2019 Log

After discussion, we are looking at doing a class piece from Carrie called ‘In’. It’s a very bendable song that can fit into what we want of moulding it with the other pieces. Even though it is from 1988, the stereotypes and song plays into what high school can be like in the modern day. It is all about teenagers worrying about fitting in with their peers and being annoyed with their parents. This is what I believe will be a project for the class.

Job Done

Choosing of musical scene for the entire class to do a project on, we believe it will be ‘In’ from Carrie
the Musical.

Next Steps

Further discussion of the chosen scene and learning how to use the camera.

10/05/2019 Log

We started off by doing improvisation games and learning a new game, where we could only use three sentence words. Afterwards, I got to use the camera and record Nadia, Chloe and Samantha talking and walking through some choreography from Carries’ ‘In’.

Job Done

Further discussion of the chosen scene and learning of how to use the camera and learning how to add the videos and pictures to files.

Next Steps

Learning further how to use the camera and the laptop movie app thing.

16/05/2019 Log

We went through improvisation games using kinetic stuff, meaning we followed along with each other and every action was in response to another someone did. We then moved onto a second game where the theme was dance and we repeated a game where we only could say three sentences at a time. I was able to record some of the games on my phone instead of the camera this time. We also looked through some choreography for Carrie. We were able to decide that we wanted to use the Riverdale version, as it is shorter and with a lot more flexibility. We also decided that every on-stage actor would have an accessory that made them stand out as a stereotype, popular girls in stiletto’s, ‘nerdy’ girls with glasses or cardigans, girls or boys with rainbow bands on. In a certain part of the song, the actors will strip these off and throw them behind or in front of them.

Job Done

Doing improvisation games and discussing choreography.

Next Steps

Work on constructing some physical choreography and discuss roles.

23/05/2019 Log

Today we were able to walk through the choreography a small bit. We got the actors on stage and had them walk around as if they were in a high school hallway. I was able to record a lot of the practice and talking between ourselves about the choreography and the ending of the performance. I got to do a lot with the camera as in videos instead of pictures this time. I mainly videoed for the behind the scenes video that is being created by myself.

Job Done

Work on constructing some physical choreography and discuss roles.

Next Steps

Further work on constructing some physical choreography and discussion of roles.

30/05/2019 Log

We were able to continue with work on constructing some physical choreography and discussion of
roles. We are talking about instead of In we do a different piece due to the lack of effort and
enthusiasm from various actors involved. Instead, we were considering stopping the performance
and instead doing things separately such as Nadia and Sam’s performance, me recording the NCEA
performances, most of the others working backstage. Otherwise, we would switch our performance to
something else, we were considering doing Ex-wives from Six. There is also the chance we will
continue with this, however, many people are unenthused with the idea.

Job Done

Further work on constructing some physical choreography and discussion of roles.

                                              Next Steps

Further work with the camera and discussion of the piece.

31/05/2019 Log

We have decided to continue on with the current piece for now and we have been able to get multiple actors to participate further. I was able to take some pictures and record some small videos documenting our progress and behind the scenes moments. So far I have been unable to continue creating the video of all of this, however, I have chosen to do it in a break time instead, as I do not have much time while helping and rehearsing the choreography.

Job Done

Further work with the camera and discussion of the piece as well as work on choreography.

Next Steps

Further work with the camera and discussion of the piece as well as work on choreography.

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