
Tuesday 8 March 2022

The Twelve Olympians: A Basis

Greek Name: Artemis

Roman Name: Diana

Domain: The moon, Hunting and Wild Animals, Archery, and Children

Iconography: Deer, Bows and Arrows,

Creation Story: Artemis and Apollo were born to Pheobe’s daughter Leto by Zeus, who was cursed to never give birth on land and so sought a precious island which was the only place where she could give birth as it floated above the water. Artemis was born first, and helped her mother birth Apollo.

Greek Name: Apollo

Roman Name: Apollo

Domain: The Sun, Medicine, Music, and Archery

Iconography: Bows and Arrows, the Lyre

Creation Story: Artemis and Apollo were born to Pheobe’s daughter Leto by Zeus, who was cursed to never give birth on land and so sought a precious island which was the only place where she could give birth as it floated above the water. Artemis was born first, and helped her mother birth Apollo.

Greek Name: Hestia

Roman Name: Vesta

Domain: The Hearth, Home, Fire, Domesticity,

Iconography: Fire, Hearth

Creation Story: She was saved by Zeus, her brother, from her carnivorous father Kronos. Until the rise of Dionysus, she was deemed an Olympian, after which she abdicated.

Greek Name: Hermes

Roman Name: Mercury

Domain: Trade, Messengers, Thievery,

Iconography: Wand

Creation Story: As a newborn Hermes ran from his mother and stole cattle from Apollo. He pulled many tricks and created the lyre, so Zeus found him amusing and made him an Olympian.

Name: Athena

Roman Name: Minerva

Domain: Wisdom, War, Weaving, Crafts

Iconography: Aegis, her Shield, Owls

Creation Story: Athena was born by springing from the head of Zeus upon her birth, fully grown. She was to be born by Metis, however, paranoia from the prophecy about a second child of Metis overcame Zeus as he swallowed her to prevent a second child. He soon had an unbearable headache, and Hephaestus split his skull open to show Athena fully grown.

Greek Name: Ares

Roman Name: Mars

Domain: War, Courage, Battle lust,

Iconography: Helmet, Serpent

Creation Story: One of the first children born to Zeus by Hera

Greek Name: Hephaestus

Roman Name: Vulcan

Domain: Smiths, Fire, Metalwork

Iconography: Hammer

Hera, spiteful of Zeus’ affairs, proclaimed that she would have a child without him or any man, and gave birth to a crippled child, Hephaestus. She was in horror of his ugliness and threw him off Mount Olympus. He was raised by nymphs and was spiteful in turn to his mother.

Greek Name: Hades

Roman Name: Pluto

Domain: The Dead, the Underworld,

Iconography: Royal sceptre, Cornucopia

Creation Story: Hades was saved by Zeus, his brother, from his carnivorous father Kronos. He fought in the Titan war and when all was won, he drew straws with his brothers Zeus and Poseidon. After drawing the shortest straw, he became King of the Underworld.

Greek Name: Aphrodite

Roman Name: Venus

Domain: Love, Beauty, Procreation

Iconography: Conch shell

Creation Story: When the remains of the castrated Ouranos fell into the sea, they created seafoam from which Aphrodite emerged. The gods were taken by her beauty, but to prevent a war, Zeus ordered that she be married to Hephaestus.

Greek Name: Hera

Roman Name: Juno

Domain: Marriage, Women, Family

Iconography: Scepter, Cow

Creation Story: Was saved by Zeus, her brother and future husband, from her carnivorous father Kronos. She became married to Zeus when after she rejected him, he turned himself into an injured bird. When she held the bird to her chest, Zeus transformed and forced her to lay with him. She wed him out of shame and stays faithful as the goddess of marriage.

Greek Name: Demeter

Roman Name: Ceres

Domain: Grain, Bread, Agriculture

Iconography: Grain, wheat

Creation Story: Was saved by Zeus, her brother, from her carnivorous father Kronos.

Greek Name: Zeus

Roman Name: Jupiter

Domain: The Sky, Thunder and Lightning, Law and Order,

Iconography: Thunderbolt, Eagle

Creation Story: His carnivorous father Kronos ate his siblings before Zeus was hidden by his mother. He returned and freed his siblings by tricking his father into drinking poisoned wine and regurgitating his siblings.

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